Girls Softball Tryouts
A Quick Overview

Girls softball tryouts for club and town travel teams are usually held during the summer months, most often in July. Players who are picked for a team usually commit to a full year of membership on that team, which includes year-round practice and games. Typically, NJ teams practice outside and play games during the fall, take about 1 month off during December, practice indoors for the winter months, and play games and practice outdoors again in the spring and early summer. Most teams allow partial payments in 3 stages prior to the fall, winter, and spring seasons. We recommend registering and attending several softball team tryouts. After all, the tryouts are usually free, and, you can learn a lot from attending these events. You can also network with other players, parents, and coaches. We also recommend researching each team before accepting an offer to join. Lookup their track record on Game Changer, research the team manager and head coach, look for team reviews on the Internet, and talk to parents and players already on that team. Sometimes tryouts are 1 day events, but more often, you will attend several sessions. Team managers will often ask players to practice with their teams to see if they are a good fit. Softball tryouts are usually advertised on the internet. So, tryout for a few teams and good luck!